This article will guide you through how to clear an unpaid invoice for your order.


  • Follow the given steps to clear your unpaid invoice.
  • Select your invoice from the unpaid invoices tab in the dashboard.
  • Choose your preferred payment option and click on the " Pay Now " option.
  • You will be guided to the payment platform. Enter the details per your payment method and complete the payment. 
  • Your invoice will be marked as paid once the system confirms your payment.

Additional Note:

  • Credit/Debit card users have to go through one-time mandatory verification to complete the order.
  • Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash option shows an address that is only valid for 10 minutes since the initiation of payment. Kindly complete payment before it expires.
  • Other cryptocurrencies will be paid through Coinbase Commerce which has a 1-hour payment window.
  • Indian users paying via Credit/Debit cards do not have to go through verification.


Thank You.

Regards, DigiRDP Billing Team

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